Update : van sudah share Download Themes Windows 7 | Tema Windows 7 Keren Abis Part 2 yang pastinya lebih keren dan ok, Klik >Disini< untuk Download Themes Windows 7 | Tema Windows 7 Keren Abis Part 2.
Download Tema Windows 7 Yang Keren
- Tema Pokemon Black For Windows 7
Tema Pokemon Black For Windows 7 |
- Tema Crystal Gloss Theme For Windows 7 (x86/x64)
Tema Crystal Gloss Theme For Windows 7 (x86/x64) |
- Tema Aero Blue Theme For Windows 7
Aero Blue Theme For Windows 7 |
- Tema CleanX7 Beta 1 Theme For Windows 7
Tema CleanX7 Beta 1 Theme For Windows 7 |
- Tema Infiniti Glass Theme
Tema Infiniti Glass Theme |
Nah ini yang sekarang ane pakai gan, Pkoknya keren abis..gkgkgk
This Visual Style includes:
-Infiniti Theme
-6 Infiniti Wallpapers
-8 Bonus Infiniti Wallpapers
-Start orb
-Sound Schemes
-Add Take Ownership Option
-Black Glass Se7en Gadgets
-Black Glass Enhanced 0.5
-Theme Resource Changer
-Universal Theme Patcher
-3RVX - Volume Control On-Screen-Display
1. Patch your system using the Universal Theme Patcher (depending on your system x86 or x64) and then reboot.
2. Install Theme Resource Changer (depending on your system x86 or x64).
3. Run Infiniti.exe
4. For better results, run the theme with Black Glass Enhanced(optional).
- 17 New Best Themes for Windows 7
17 New Best Themes for Windows 7 |
- Music theme
- Prototype theme
- Win7Charm by knownfriends
- Aero Climax by VisualDiscernment
- MORTAL KOMBAT ???? by Danny
- Simple Aero by wujifucool
- Ninja Gaiden ???? by Walter
- Dark ferrari by Espectra16
- Nod v7 Orange By adelonic
- Tuning theme for win7
- CreativX by Mr_u
- Spider-Man 3
- Rio
- MyWay by knownfriends
- VS Tron Legacy by se7ensinner
- Infiniti theme
- Aero pure for windows 7 by eradezign
Saya rasa udah cukup ya tema windows 7 dan mudah-mudahan bermanfaat buat sobat semua, Semoga blog ini semakin berkembang dan saya tetap bisa berbagi ilmu dengan sobat semua sampai jumpa ^_^.
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